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Frequently Asked Questions and their Answers

"When you come in innocence, knowing that you don't know, then the doors are open - then you will be able to know. Only that person who has no knowledge is capable of knowing."


Visiting Osho Nisarga

Please call between 9:30 AM to 5:00PM Indian Standard Time (IST) to book your appointment for visiting Osho Nisarga.


Yes, we accept credit cards and debit cards. Indian and Nepali nationals can contribute through net/mobile transfers in advance. Please contact our reception at yes@oshonisarga.com for more details.

Staying at Osho Nisarga

Yes, all participants wear maroon robes during the meditation-sessions, and white-robes during the evening white-robe meditation.

Emergency Services

There are three hospitals, each of which is at a 20 minutes drive from our centre. There is a general hospital in Dharmasala; Fortis and Balaji Hospital in Kangra.