The Way of the Heart: (2022)

Language: Only in Hindi | Program Type: Also for beginners  | Facilitator: Sw. Deva Naman

(Arrival: Jun 25 till 4 pm | Departure: Jun 30 after 2 pm)

"The way of truth is the way of the heart. And the way of the heart cannot be taught, it can only be inspired, thrilled, excited, to go on a new exploration... invited, but not ordered.

It is impossible to commune with someone who has not known love. How can we talk about God? How can we talk meaningfully about prayer? How can we say anything about the truth? Because he's completely unaware of his own heart. He does not know the language; he has lived in the head.

Once your eyes are full of love you have the capacity to see into the trees, to see into the rocks, to their very innermost core, and find God there. Then he is everywhere. All that is needed is a loving heart.

The heart has to be chosen. Once you choose the heart, loyalty, trust, and love, start flowering. One wonders where all the doubts have suddenly gone. Just as you bring light into a room and the darkness disappears, the same happens with the heart. Once you start choosing the heart instead of the head, all doubts and all darkness disappear. Suddenly your life is full of light, full of love. And love is a rejoicing. Love is festive, it is playful. And I call this quality of love, of trust, godly, divine.

Be in the heart, live through the heart. Enhance the qualities of the heart, nourish them."