No Mind: Osho Meditative Therapy (2025)

Jun 01 - 07

Arrival Date & Time

May 31st till 4 pm

Departure Date & Time

Jun 07th after 2 pm


Only in Hindi

Program Type

Advanced Group


Sw. Atmo Ninad

Program Details

Osho says
"Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Ordinarily, your consciousness is too much full of rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust. The mind is constant traffic: thoughts are moving, desires are moving, memories are moving, ambitions are moving—it is constant traffic, day in, day out. Even when you are asleep the mind is functioning, it is dreaming. It is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties. It is preparing for the next day; an underground preparation is going on. This is the state of no meditation—just the opposite is meditation. When there is no traffic, and thinking has ceased—no thought moves, no desire stirs, you are utterly silent—that silence is meditation. In that silence truth is known, and never otherwise. Meditation is a state of no-mind."

The no-mind meditative therapy is a seven days group created by Osho. The technique is uniquely simple and effective. In the first hour, using gibberish one can easily break the habitual thought process and so without inhibition can release the repressed emotions as well. Out of this will arise the second part, a great silence in which you have to close your eyes and freeze your body, all its movements, gather your energy within yourself. Sitting with relaxed awareness, witnessing body, mind, and heart effortlessly.

Besides this process, different meditations will also be offered throughout the day supportive of this meditative therapy.

The day concludes with the beautiful meeting of Osho white robe brotherhood.

"A day comes, a day of great blessings, when meditation becomes your natural state. Mind is something unnatural; it never becomes your natural state. But meditation is a natural state — which we have lost. It is a paradise lost, but the paradise can be regained."

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